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Rush eResearch Portal Login

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Getting Started

Research Onboarding Learning Program (ROLP)

Per the Education Policy for Investigators and Relevant Research Personnel (located in PolicyTech), all individuals engaged in Research at RUSH must complete the Research Onboarding Learning Program (ROLP). Access to the RRP is granted once the required ROLP training is completed.

All research projects at RUSH administratively begin within the RUSH Research Portal (RRP). The RRP serves as both a central platform for many research functions at RUSH and as a repository for research-related announcements and resources. Access to the RRP is essential for anyone involved in research at RUSH. An RRP User Account is required for full access to the RRP.

To obtain an RRP account, follow the four steps below.

  1. Self-register for the Research Onboarding Learning Program on the Learning Hub.
  2. Complete all nine courses in the Research Onboarding Learning Program.
  3. Submit the RRP New Account Request Form (emailed after learning program completion).
  4. Log in to the RRP using RUSH credentials once access is granted. 

Note: Research IS creates new RRP accounts on a weekly basis. You can expect to receive your new RRP account and log in credentials within one (1) week after submitting the REDCap form.

RRP Contact Information:

CITI Program Training Courses

All individuals engaged in research at RUSH are also required to complete mandatory, position/project-specific CITI Program Courses. Your CITI training must be affiliated with RUSH.

Please consult the Education Policy for Investigators and Relevant Research Personnel in PolicyTech for a list of required CITI coursework. Additional CITI courses may be assigned as relevant based on the specifics of your research project.

Other Required Training

All institutionally-required position, system, funding, and project-specific research training and education is outlined in the Education Policy for Investigators and Relevant Research Personnel.

Helpful Resources


© Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois